Sunday, August 2, 2015

27Jul-02 Aug

27 JUL -- 31:54 -- 4.54 miles -- 26 elevation gain
28 JUL -- 26:40 -- 2.00 miles -- 1003 elevation gain
29 JUL -- 44:35 -- 6.22 miles -- 43 elevation gain
30 JUL -- 10:30 -- 1.31 miles -- 13 elevation gain
             -- stationary bike 8 miles
             -- 9:52 -- 1.28 miles -- 4 elevation gain (morning)
             -- 10:04 -- 1.29 miles -- 13 elevation gain
             -- stationary bike 6 miles
             -- 9:23 -- 1.27 miles -- 4 elevation gain (afternoon)
31 JUL -- 30:00 -- 3.00 miles -- 25 elevation gain (unit run)
01 AUG -- off -- stationary bike 12 miles -- 35:00
02 AUG -- off -- stationary bike 16 miles -- 46:32


Well, bad news.  It was inevitable and I couldn't keep lying to myself.  I finally saw the podiatrist and took his advice, and so this:

A possible fracture of the sesamoid bone, but the MRI I have in 5 weeks will confirm whether or not a fracture exists.  X-rays were negative, which is always positive. 

I only cried once before I realized this could be a good thing and found creative ways to fill the void: biking, ab workouts, reading, crawling races versus Eli, etc. etc.  Adapt and overcome.  I might have to lay off the beer and cookies for awhile (as I sit here with a beer...), but it is what it is.

In any event, for the next 6 weeks I won't be running.  I'm not supposed to bear any weight on my right foot at all, but that's nearly impossible for anyone to do.  The Doc has given me permission to bike, however, so bike I shall.  I've been looking online for a road bike and a stationary bike for the garage.  We'll see what turns up. 

I think a 6-week break will be good.  My foot pain started last October and got worse, got better for a short time, then got worse again over the last week.  Clearly, I'm not happy about having my foot in a boot for 6 weeks, but rather than tinker around with gear or inserts or orthotics or other crap, I'm following strict Doc's orders and fixing this darn injury the first go around. 

This blog will continue as a temporary biking blog and will continue as a running blog in a few weeks.

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