Sunday, March 2, 2014

24 Feb-02 Mar

24 FEB -- 54:29 -- 6.00 miles -- 806 elevation gain
24 FEB -- 1:57:53 -- 13.82 miles -- 968 elevation gain

25 FEB -- 43:46 -- 5.06 miles -- 531 elevation gain

26 FEB -- 10:00:00 -- 10.00 miles -- 850 elevation gain

27 FEB -- 42:38 -- 4.72 miles -- 470 elevation gain

28 FEB -- off -- upper body weightlifting -- stationary bike for 6 miles

01 MAR -- 3:11:50 -- 21.44 miles -- 3388 elevation gain

02 MAR -- 1:24:28 -- 9.03 miles -- 1149 elevation gain

TOTAL -- 18:55:04 -- 70.07 miles -- 8162 elevation gain

Finally got a good week of training.  Although, another 6-10" of snow and sleet is heading towards Virginia tomorrow morning.  This is very strange, considering it is currently 66 degrees on my front porch.  I plan to get a run in tomorrow morning before it starts laying on the trails - not looking forward to more road running. 

The run on 26 FEB might look was more of a walk/hike all day long, up and down hills, with a 20-pound pack.  However, I am counting it as time on my feet.  Two solid runs on Monday brought my total above 70 miles for the week.  I intend to continue two-a-day runs at least one day each week, aiming for two days though.  The overnight run in the Massanuttens fell through - temperatures were nearly in the single digits and my photographer is convinced that bears are extra hungry right now because they just came out of hibernation.  Plus, I couldn't find anyone dumb enough to do it with me.  Thus, I did 22 miles in Prince William on Saturday morning instead. 

I hope to get in 70-80 miles again next week, but I have duty again on Friday night.  Depending how I feel on Saturday after little to no sleep, I might head to Prince William again for some miles.  Three weeks until Tammany.

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